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Weekly Verse - April 16th

Most of my family, including myself, was not able to go to church this Sunday because of sickness. Although we were able to watch preaching online, I missed seeing the smiling faces of my Sunday school class kids and shaking the hands of brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a blessing and privilege to be able to meet with my church family freely, week after week.

This week’s verses remind us of the kind of brother or sister we need to be to fellow believers. Here are the commands that Paul gives:

Consider One Another

We need to put our brothers and sisters before ourselves, to take into consideration their needs before our own. We must follow Jesus’ example and have a servant’s heart towards them.

Provoke unto Love and to Good Works

By considering our fellow believers, and putting their needs before our own, we can provoke them in a good way. We can provoke them to “love and good works”. By changing my attitude towards my brother or sister in Christ, I can start a chain reaction. By showing love to them, I can provoke them to show love to someone else, which can provoke that person to show love to someone else, and so on and so forth.

Assemble Together

God’s intention for the universal church is for believers to assemble together, to encourage one another, and to grow together. Throughout the New Testament we read about Christians assembling together, no matter how dangerous it was, because they knew its importance. Jesus himself said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Exhort One Another

When we assemble together, we are to exhort one another. The Greek word translated as “exhort” here (parakaleō) has also been translated as “comfort” in many places in the New Testament. We are to comfort one another, especially as we “see the day approaching” (“the day” being the day of the Lord’s coming), because, as Paul writes to Timothy, “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (2 Timothy 3:13)

This week, I want to encourage you to be a Christian brother or sister who considers fellow believers, provoking them to love and good works, assembling together with them, and exhorting them. I believe when we follow these commands, we will not only grow closer together as a church, but as a church we will grow closer to Christ.

Your sister in Christ,


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