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Weekly Verse - August 13th

Writer's picture: Mission  Mission

1 Corinthians 6:20

Last week we saw that Paul challenged us to live radically God-glorifying lives as believers. The second verse in our series on glorifying God shows us why we should glorify Him.

“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.” 1 Corinthians 6:20

The Price

The reason Paul gives us as to why we should glorify God is that we were bought with a price. Jesus payed our sin debt on the cross so that we do not have to suffer eternal condemnation. He gave up his life for us, that is why we should give ours for Him. We do that by living each day to fulfill His will and glorify Him.

Glorify God… in your body, and in your spirit

Paul gives us two specific areas to glorify God in: our body and our spirit. We should not only glorify God in outward works, but also in our thoughts and meditations. God sees everything. He knows every thought that crosses our mind, and sees everything we do, even the things no other human being ever sees. God wants us to do absolutely all to His glory.

Which are God’s

Paul has already said that we are bought with a price. If we are bought, then we belong to whoever bought us; we no longer belong to ourselves. God bought us, and that is why He deserves all the glory! Aren’t you thankful you belong to such a loving Master?

This week, remember that you were bought with a price—you belong to God—and that is why you should willingly and lovingly glorify Him in all that you think, say, or do. Let’s see what will happen if we determine to live as if we are not our own (because, praise God, we aren’t anymore!).

God bless,


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All Scripture is taken from the King James Version (KJV).

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