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Weekly Verse - Ephesians 5:15-17

Writer's picture: Mission  Mission
Ephesians 5:15-17

This week's verses are a reminder and a challenge to spend our time wisely for the Lord.

"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,"

In the previous verses we read about things being exposed by the light and how Christ gives light. We then read that we should walk "circumspectly." Thayer's Greek Lexicon explains this use of circumspectly (here the word akribos) as "to live carefully...deviating in no respect from the law of duty." If we are living in the light, we should live carefully. Christ, the light, sees our every action and thought. It is foolish to live without being aware of how we are living and spending our time.

"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

I like to think on this verse in its cultural context. This was a time of open, widespread persecution against the church. Believers were in danger of imprisonment, beatings, and execution. We often refer to our times as being evil, and rightly so, but most of us have not experienced outward persecution on a level that these believers did. When I think of them reading "[redeem] the time," I realize that they never knew when the Romans might come knocking, and their time would end. Even though we in the western world do not typically face the threat of imminent martyrdom, we also never know when our lives might come an end. We must redeem the time for Christ. My study Bible (Henry Morris) points out "Time is our most valuable possession and should not be squandered...time wasted is gone forever."

"Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."

God has a will for each and every one of His children and it would indeed be unwise to spend the time that He has given us on any thing other than that which He has purposed for us to do. But first we must understand what that will is. There are certain things that we know is a part of God's will for every believer, such as bringing Him glory, edifying our fellow believers, and winning the lost to Him. There are also certain specific things that He has in His unique plan for each our lives. Part of His will for me is to write this blog, for my parents it's to be missionaries, for my cousin it's to clean the church building, for you it may be witnessing to a coworker, having a good testimony at that difficult job, supporting a ministry, or even starting a ministry--only God knows!

This week, seek and understand God's will through prayer, His Word, and the Holy Spirit. then wisely redeem the time by doing it. Who--besides the Lord-- knows how much time we each have left?

Your sister in Christ,



Jun 21, 2024

Thank you so much for your insight, I really needed that reminder, to live every day like it is your last day. God bless you for standing up for God and the Bible!

Jun 21, 2024
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You’re welcome! I wouldn’t have any insight without the Lord, all the glory be to Him. God bless!


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All Scripture is taken from the King James Version (KJV).

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