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Weekly Verse - Matthew 9:36-38

Writer's picture: Mission  Mission

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Matthew 9:36-38

This month our weekly verse studies will be focused on missions. When I read this verse, I think of the crowds that I saw when I had the opportunity to hand out gospel flyers in Edinburgh, Scotland. The harvest is just as plenteous as when Christ spoke in Matthew 9:36-38. There is still a great need for laborers and prayers.


Compassion is something that is essential to missions work. I have found that it is easy to slip into the trap of doing Christian service simply because I should or because it makes me feel good. God wants us to serve with our heart. Jesus had a burden for the souls of the people he ministered to, and we should too.

"O that we would so love the gospel and have so much compassion for lost people that tribulation and distress and famine and nakedness and danger and sword and gun and terrorist would not turn us into fearful complainers but bold heralds of good news." ~ John Piper


There is a great need for Christians who are passionate about spreading the gospel in our world today. We need people who are willing to get the gospel to whomever they can, whenever they can. There is certainly a need for international missionaries, and there is also a need for people to be missionaries right where they are. "The harvest truly is plenteous!" Who can you reach today?


Prayer is a powerful tool! Jesus said in John 14:13-14, "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." As a missionary kid I can tell you that it makes my day whenever someone back home tells me that they are praying for me because I know that God will hear their prayer and help me. As you pray for laborers, be attentive; God may be calling you to go! And if He sends you, be very sure that He will provide as you labor in the harvest.

This week, be alert for opportunities to share the gospel with the multitudes around you. The harvest is plenteous and time is short.

God bless,


1 comentario

20 nov 2023

Mission, I am praying for you every day. May God bless you. Thank you for sharing these verses about the harvest of souls and Jesus' compassion.

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All Scripture is taken from the King James Version (KJV).

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